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Baba Sali

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Miracle worker, revered Rabbi, devoted Talmudic scholar, holy man, leader and teacher of the Sephardic community in Morocco and Israel -- these all describe one man: Rabbi Yisrael Abuchatzeirah, lovingly known to his thousands of followers as Baba Sali, Arabic for "our praying father."

Known for the many miracles he performed, Baba Sali was so adored by his followers that his death in 1984 drew more than 100,000 mourners to his gravesite in less than twenty-four hours. The authors of this book, Rav Eliyahu Alfasi, Baba Sali's shamash (attendant), and Rav Yechiel Torgeman, Baba Sali's grandson, offer us a precious glimpse of his life and teachings and clearly demonstrate that the Talmudic expression "The tzaddik (righteous person) decrees, and G-d fulfills" was entirely true of Rav Yisrael Abuchatzeirah, the "praying father" of Sephardic Jewry.

Authors: Rav Eliyahu Alfasi and Rav Yechiel Torgeman; translated by Leah Dolinger
Hardcover | 6" x 9" | 256 pages | ISBN 9781607630609

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4 Reviews

Harvey Shifrin Verified purchase January 31, 2024, 1:10 PM

Jessy Benbaruk Verified purchase January 11, 2023, 3:18 PM

Ishmael Benyamin Said Verified purchase January 28, 2021, 1:26 PM

Baba Sale - Neshama Tahara

Excellent source of information about Baba Sale, from two people who were very close to him. Additional stories (not yet made public) of miracles, and purest acts of Tikun Olam and quite simply of the story of purest soul Gadol Tzadik that has ever lived in the history of Moroccan Jewry.

Neil Shai Dahan January 5, 2021, 3:03 PM

amazing book, could not put it down

Gave incredible history and background, made me understand my heritage and gain a respect for the time period. A must read for any Ashkenazi or Sefardi.

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