Everyone's Got a Story

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41 short stories from a new generation of Jewish writers

"Good writing is delicious. Ruchama Feuerman has served up a succulent selection of stories, each with its own flavor, some sweet, some tangy, each one satisfying!"
--Sara Yoheved Rigler, author of Holy Woman and Lights from Jerusalem

"... well-crafted tales that reflect the richness, pleasures and poignancy of Jewish religious life ... ranging from lighter fare ... to more serious ones ... all exuding a freshness and a wonderful richness of language."

Fresh Voices. Fresh writing. Get ready for a magic carpet ride through our world at street level. In these compelling, well-crafted stories, you'll recognize yourself, or an aspect of yourself, or someone so different that you can only read on, open-mouthed:

  • The seminary girl whose utter devotion to prayer leads her to the unimaginable
  • The Holocaust survivor who bears a thirty-year grudge against the Rebbe
  • A woman's childhood recollections about her mother's quirky obsession with chessed
  • And a host of other true characters from the family album of Jews: the Chevra Kadisha volunteer, the vintner, the scribe, the mohel, the matchmaker and ... the film director?!
But wait -- there's more! At the start of each section of the book, Mrs. Feuerman shares her best tips for unlocking the writer inside you. So this book offers more than just great reading -- it also includes the keys to great writing!

Collected and edited by: Ruchama K. Feuerman
Hardcover | 6" x 9" | 416 pages | 978-1932443-93-6

To arrange for Mrs. Feuerman to speak in your community (EVERYONE'S GOT A STORY -- An Evening of Creative Reading & Creative Writing), please contact her at ruchamakingfeuerman@msn.com




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