Trust in Me

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A novel about shidduchim, growth, and the power of emunah

The confusion.
The uncertainty.
The hope.
The trust.
Tamar enters the world of shidduchim filled with hopes just like any young woman. Yet it seems as if the many strikes against her will make her dreams impossible to realize.
Trust in Me is a touching portrayal of one girl's journey through despair and self-doubt -- and ultimately, her indescribable joy when she learns to truly trust in Hashem.

Author: Chaya Rosen
Hardcover | 6" x 9" | 336 pages | ISBN 9781607632474

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5 Reviews

yocheved July 5, 2018, 4:17 PM


It was very special to read this book. I was able to enjoy myself and be inspired at the same time. The way I know it's a good book, is because a few days after I read it I saw a policeman and the word "Eli" popped into my head. Then I knew she did a great job with the characters. In addition, believe it or not, Rav Meilich Beiderman just printed a very similar TRUE story to a main part of the plot. Thank you, Chaya, whoever you are. You did a beautiful job!

Angella Lee Verified purchase December 18, 2017, 6:50 PM


This is a beautiful work of fiction/literature that is Kosher. It is a wonderful way to learn about Torah concepts like self/discipline appear in everyday life through the narrator’s voice. For example, Tamar’s dialogue with her parents on her personal triumph of battling the yetzer hara by resisting the urge to break the rule that one can’t brush hair on Shabbos. As a non-Jew, I grew up reading The Book of Virtue, Hans Christian Andersson and Little House on the Prarie. Today, I read’s Torah articles and am finding my way to Kosher fiction. I love how sound the stories, feelings and observations are because they follow a Torah belief system. I would recommend this to any Torah observant girl or woman! (And non-Jews with basic Torah understanding.)

MJR Verified purchase October 8, 2017, 9:19 PM

Chaya Rosen is an author for all ages.

Chaya Rosen is turning out to be an author for all ages. I read "Chaverim Boys Choir Live!" some years ago, and found it perfect for young teens. Then I found "Our New Special Baby" to be a touching and beautifully written and illustrated book about bringing home a new baby with Down Syndrome. It's geared to young siblings and also to parents and older siblings with a wealth of researched information in the back. Now we have a book geared to those in shadchanut, be they just starting out or "older", or people like me who never knew what it was like. Chaya's descriptions of emotions and situations run the gamut from highs to lows so realistically. I was especially interested in the medical issues that some characters deal with, and was also taken by some other characters that color the story. Well done!

M.A. September 18, 2017, 7:23 AM

A really great book, an enjoyable and thought provoking read

Wow! It was REALLY good! I literally could not put it down! I loved being in Tamar's head, and feeling her nervousness, excitement, hopes, dread etc. II picked it up expecting to just have a fun read. I wasn't expecting it to also help me figure out some of the things that I’m nervous about with dating/ marriage. Some the same as Tamar, but even the things that were different- just being in her head and seeing what she was feeling made me think more about what I was feeling. I liked how the story had 4 very different kinds of dates. The one she knew for sure wasn’t for her, the ambivalent one, the one where he said no, and the right one. That was so interesting confronting the different kinds of scenarios that can- and do- play out. It made it very realistic that Tamar as going into dating starting from a place where she had "two strikes" against her. I feel like most people have strikes, real or imagined. Nobody is perfect, and nobody comes from a perfect family. The medical and family issues Tamar has are portrayed in a very real and sensitive way. I like how the author made it so clear that in the end, weather there are strikes or not, everyone will end up where Hashem wants them. All in all, it was a really great book, an enjoyable and thought provoking read, and I enjoyed it a lot!!

BFF August 30, 2017, 6:50 AM

The best!!!!!!!!!!!

wow!!!!!!!! Chaya you are awsome! the book is real, true and very inspiring! keep it up. BFF