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Reb Shmuel

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"Reb Shmuel" For those who know something of this awe-inspiring gaon and sublime tzaddik -- “the Chazon Ish of our generation,” as Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv described him -- the very name evokes reverence and affection.

This is a book for them -- but also for the many Jews who know nothing about him. Reb Shmuel’s world is one of breathtaking beauty, filled with goodness and giving, purity and truth, and more than anything, a lifelong thirst to grow ever greater in avodas Hashem.

Although finite words can’t capture this spiritual grandeur in all its depth and fullness, this book gives the reader a fascinating, close-up view of the enthralling mosaic of greatness that is Reb Shmuel Auerbach’s life.

“This book is a masterpiece -- an authoritative, comprehensive, and excellently written portrayal of the life of an individual who reached immense heights of spiritual perfection. Few in our times -- and in many previous generations -- equaled Reb Shmuel in his mastery of Torah learning, his selflessness, his total devotion to avodas Hashem, his immeasurable deeds of kindness, and his sense of responsibility to the Jewish people.” -- Harav Aharon Feldman, Rosh Hayeshiva, Yeshivas Ner Israel

“This work is a true inspiration and a rousing call to dedicate one’s own life to the ideals by which Reb Shmuel lived.” -- Harav Uri Deutsch, Rav of the Forest Park Kehillah, Lakewood, New Jersey

“A magnificent presentation that makes one feel that he knew Reb Shmuel personally and received from him Torah knowledge, guidance of da’as Torah,
and warm, fatherly, loving support.” -- Harav Zev Leff, Rav of Moshav Matityahu

“Having merited to live just around the corner from Reb Shmuel, I thought I understood a small measure of his true greatness. Then I stayed up most of the night reading the immensely enjoyable work of Reb Eytan Kobre. I soon realized that this unique eved Hashem was far greater than I ever could have imagined. Reb Eytan has gifted Klal Yisroel with a remarkable and brilliant work that uplifted and inspired me immeasurably, and will inevitably do the same for Yidden the world over.” -- Harav Eytan Feiner, Rav of Cong. Kneseth Israel, Far Rockaway, New York

Author: Eytan Kobre
Hardcover | 6.5" x 9.25" | 648 pages | ISBN 9781607633891


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2 Reviews

marc c sultan Verified purchase October 2, 2023, 4:30 PM

Judy Resnick Verified purchase September 26, 2023, 12:24 PM

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