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The Burksfield Bike Club: Book 1 - Mitzvos on Wheels

$ 13.46 $ 14.95
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Four energetic boys ... four speedy bikes ...
Why not start a club?

So begins the Burksfield Bike Club, and before you know it ... they're off! Avi, Moish, Eli and Avromy find out that Rabbi Goldenberg urgently needs money to start a yeshiva for new immigrants, and they immediately set out to help him. Using a combination of their brains and their bikes, they start a chain reaction of mitzvos that turns the sleepy little town of Burksfield upside down!

Join the Club for their first adventure!

Author: Chaim Finkelstein
Softcover | 5.5" x 8.5" | 160 pages | 1-932443-46-0



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Tzipora Shpindler Verified purchase January 6, 2023, 11:58 AM

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